About Us
Our resource allows students to step outside the classroom into a virtual
world where their natural-born curiosity around travel can begin.
The aim of the Can Do Kids Band online platform is to help teachers deliver
educational content in the digital generation.
Our purpose is to inspire students to explore the world in which they live
through the Can Do Kids Band ‘follow the music and learn’ motto.

Why the Can Do Kids Band?
The name ‘Can Do Kids Band’ highlights and promotes the ‘Can Do’ attitude that each of the band members exemplifies in their travels around the world and their commitment to music.
It is hoped that the ‘Can Do’ spirit can be embedded into classrooms around the world to promote ongoing learning!
Who Are the Can Do Kids?
The Can Do Kids are a group of young musicians, from different continents of the world, who met at an international music camp and decided to form a band.
The Can Do Kids’ band name describes their ‘can do, will do’ attitude to life. They embrace new experiences and pursue opportunities. The Can Do Kids learn with and from one another, plus the people they meet while touring the world on their amazing adventures.
Each of the Can Do Kids are celebrated for their individuality. As they travel together, strong friendships are formed and their personalities and sense of self-confidence grows.
Become a World Traveller with the Can Do Kids Band
This interactive online resource introduces students to the world on a global scale.
Students gain an understanding and appreciation of the factual, social and cultural aspects of a country when they join the Can Do Kids Band on their ‘Follow the Music and Learn’ World Tour.
By watching, listening and reading the information presented within each country page, students can then complete a set of tasks and be rewarded with a passport stamp on their individual profile.

The Team Behind the Can Do Kids Band
There is a whole team of creatives and educational specialists working behind
the scenes to create the Can Do Kids Band website and support resources.
The project has been a lot of fun and provided many opportunities for the team to share stories not only about their heritage and country of origin. But, about their travel experiences, and the life lessons they have learnt along the way.
It is through gaining an education and an understanding of another person’s customs, culture and country that we become more informed and educated global citizens.
We hope you enjoy exploring the world with the Can Do Kids Band.
Meet our Founder, Dr Charles Margerison
Dr Margerison exemplifies the meaning of a ‘global citizen’. In his work as a
Psychologist, Charles has lived in various locations around the world. He has also had the opportunity to travel to over 75 countries.
Motivated by the many passport stamps collected and his love of travel, Dr
Margerison has created the Can Do Kids Band interactive website. He hopes to pass on his knowledge and experience as a global traveller and provide users with a fun, virtual travel experience.
Music holds a special place in Dr Margerison’s heart and throughout his work life he has participated in various projects that centre around some form of musical involvement.

Often, on a Friday morning, Dr Margerison can be found playing his keyboard and entertaining the local residents in the community in which he lives. The Can Do Kids Band resource uses the common language of music to capture the colour and vibrance of the people and cultures of the countries explored.
Dr Margerison has based the adventures of the musicians in the Can Do Kids Band around a ‘can do, will do’ attitude. The importance of character, self-belief and teamwork feature in the background of this curriculum aligned resource. Dr Margerison, is also the founder of Amazing People Schools, where his focus was on empowering and inspiring young people through character education to believe in themselves, so they can fulfil their amazing potential, and lead happy, successful lives.
Charles is a father and grandfather. His family are scattered over several continents of the globe. When not travelling the world collecting information for his latest projects, he resides on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.